Stephen Gatto
Senior Director, Quality Control
Steve is a Senior Director at Centri Business Consulting. He has more than 40 years of public accounting and auditing experience. Throughout his career, Steve has served numerous private and public multi-national clients in various industries including Healthcare, Life Sciences, and Technology. Steve also brings deep expertise in resolving complex accounting and auditing issues; completing mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures; performing due diligence procedures; completing initial and secondary public offerings; maintaining SEC and regulatory compliance, including the Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404 rules on internal controls; and providing tax and general business consulting. In his role with the firm, Stephen works closely with the firm’s Chief Quality Officer on various risk management and related matters included within the firm’s system of quality control.
Prior to his time with Centri, Steve spent 38 years with Ernst & Young. Steve was a part of the National Office Professional Practice Auditing Group (PPG). The PPG serves as the Firm’s highest and final level of authority on matters involving technical auditing and accounting issues. In this senior partner role, Steve’s responsibilities included revising the Firm’s Global Audit Methodology (GAM) to address and comply with newly issued professional auditing standards issued by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) and other standard setters, consulting with audit engagement teams on matters involving the interpretation and application of EY GAM and professional auditing standards, assisting engagement teams and the Firm’s Quality and Regulatory Matters Group in addressing and remediating PCAOB findings as well as those from internal Quality Inspections, designing tools and practice aids to assist audit engagement teams in complying with professional auditing standards and EY GAM, and designing core assurance internal professional development programs.
Steve graduated with a B.S. in Accounting and M.S. in Taxation from Seton Hall University, graduating summa cum laude.