Why Consider Sell-Side Financial Due Diligence?

Selling a company requires careful consideration and due diligence to ensure the transaction is aligned with your business goals. There are many advantages to performing sell-side financial due diligence, including reducing risk, accelerating the transaction, and maximizing the enterprise value.

The value of sell-side financial due diligence:

  • Provides transparency and credibility to the financial information shared with buyers.
  • Reduces risk of surprises surfacing during buyer diligence
  • Experienced diligence professionals support the management team and protect seller interests when handling buyer requests
  • Allows management to focus on running the business during the buyer diligence process to ensure value retention and negotiating leverage
  • Shortens the time needed between execution of the letter of intent and the closing date

The risk of not performing sell-side financial due diligence:

  • Undervaluation
  • Failure to identify errors in accounting during the historical period, such as:
    • Revenue recognition
    • Expense recognition
    • Excessive use of funds for personal use (typically owner related)
    • Accounting for inventory
    • Cash basis versus accrual accounting
  • Lack of understanding of important significant trends (i.e., revenue trends, expense trends, working capital trends, etc.)
  • Failure to identify significant on and off-balance sheet commitments/unreported liabilities (i.e., debt-like considerations)
  • Loss of leverage in post-LOI negotiations

How Centri Can Help

Centri’s integrated approach addresses your needs across the sale process, working with your attorneys, investment bankers and other advisors to identify and mitigate risks. Our process is designed to identify issues, set the narrative, and expand value, all before presenting your business to a potential buyer. Contact us to learn more.

Maxwell B. Heller

Partner | M&A Advisory Practice Leader

Max is a Partner at Centri Business Consulting and the leader of the firm’s M&A Advisory Practice. He has more than 20 years of merger and acquisition consulting experience and provides M&A advisory services to private equity firms, venture capital firms, family offices, and strategic/corporate clients. View Maxwell B. Heller's Full Bio

About Centri Business Consulting, LLC

Centri Business Consulting provides the highest quality advisory consulting services to its clients by being reliable and responsive to their needs. Centri provides companies with the expertise they need to meet their reporting demands. Centri specializes in financial reportinginternal controlstechnical accounting researchvaluationmergers & acquisitions, and tax, CFO and HR advisory services for companies of various sizes and industries. From complex technical accounting transactions to monthly financial reporting, our professionals can offer any organization the specialized expertise and multilayered skillsets to ensure the project is completed timely and accurately.

Centri’s Capital Conference

The Centri Capital Conference is a one-day event held at Nasdaq on April 22, 2025. This platform will connect investors with executives from presenting companies in various emerging and rapid-growth sectors, including disruptive technologylife scienceshealthcare, and more. The conference will feature industry panels, dynamic speakers, and networking opportunities and will give growth-oriented private and public companies a place to showcase their innovations.

For more details, contact us at capitalconference@centriconsulting.com.

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